Veerless Insights

“The Sheet”

In sailing, “the sheet” is a rope used to control the ship’s sail in relation to the direction of the wind. Veerless’ “The Sheet” resources does just that for sustainability professionals. We choose topics in the direction the wind is blowing in our field and help you action on them in your work.

Sailing Toward Sustainability

At Veerless, we know the journey to sustainability in business can often feel like “rough seas.” That is why our team keeps our hands on the wheel at all times, looking forward to see what might be ahead in our industry. Our periodic releases of “The Sheet” allow our clients and colleagues to learn from the experiences we are having in sustainability and ESG globally. We keep these pieces of research short and sweet, with simple, clear steps you can take to understand and action on the trends in our field.  

U.S. SEC Release Final Climate Rule

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