“Beyond the Bow” – Our Veerless Blog

Read our insights on corporate responsibility, sustainability, and ESG.

Help! My Sustainability Report Sucks! 4 Pieces of Advice to Make It Better

Note: This post is a partial “dupe” of an episode of Table Stakes Podcast launched on the same day. Listen here for more in-depth discussion of this topic.

Working in the field of sustainability and corporate responsibility, I’ve always said we (as a field) have the best job in any company. And over the years I’ve heard hundreds of my colleagues say “I love my job.” I’ve heard even more exclamations about the intricate parts of our jobs we all love – seeing the light bulbs go on for internal leaders, spearheading game-changing partnerships, engaging employees and helping them love the company and their jobs, moving the needle on global environmental policy, and the list goes on. But in all the years I’ve worked in this field, I have seldom heard someone exclaim, “I love sustainability reporting. It’s my favorite part of my job.”

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Your 2020 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Reading List

For the last two years, I’ve published an annual Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability reading list (see 2018 and 2019 at these links), and I’m delighted to be back with my list of recommendations for 2020. As I said two years ago, my favorite question to ask in networking situations or with friends is “What are you reading?” And this year, it feels like there were so many incredible books, I’m not sure where to start.

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Kill the Beast: A Corporate Responsibility Department’s Reality During a Crisis

At any given time, there are multiple corporate crises happening around the world. In the age of social media, these crises “go viral” more quickly than ever before. This naturally creates a villain in the space where a corporation once was. Read the comments on any crisis response message and you can suddenly transport yourself to the scene in Beauty and the Beast where the mob of villagers storms the Beast’s castle. “Light your torch, mount your horse. Screw your courage to the sticking place. […] It’s time to take some action, boys. It’s time to follow me.” So if stakeholders and social media responses are Gaston and his people, is the corporation really a beast? And are the people who work in that castle responsible?

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Your 2019 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Reading List

Last year, I published a 2018 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Reading List, and loved the conversations I had with many of you throughout the year about those books. When something works, do it again! Just like last year, these books fall into four key categories: must-reads, big topics, general business, and leadership. This list is by no means comprehensive. Please help me add to it by listing your favorite book, podcast or video in the comments.

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Your 2018 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Reading List

My favorite networking question in any situation is, “What are you reading?” Studies show the average American reads only 1-2 books per year, but Fortune 500 CEOs read 4-5 books each month. If you want to be successful, open a book! I keep a “books to read” list in my phone, and my “buy with 1 click” habit on Amazon has gotten, let’s just say, problematic. So I always want to know what others are reading.

In corporate responsibility and sustainability, I’m also often asked what I’m reading often. For those interested in getting into CSR, there are must read texts. And for leaders in the field, there is always an opportunity to learn more. As we move into February, I’m putting together a combination of those “must reads” and my personal favorites. Next time we see each other, let’s talk about one of these incredible books in four key categories: must reads, climate change, business and leadership. Read on…

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